Security Donations
Your donation of securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to give to Huron Shores Hospice.
Canada Helps makes it easy to donate securities, including stocks, bonds and mutual funds, to Huron Shores Hospice, eliminating capital gains tax, which means your gift can go further. We are not tax experts and strongly suggest you speak to your financial advisor before making a donation to ensure you get the largest tax advantage possible. Once you’ve done that and you are ready to make a donation just follow these simple and easy steps.
Thank you to Our Donors!
Huron Shores Hospice extends a heartfelt thank you to all of our donors.
We cannot stress enough how important your donations have been in creating moments that matter for all of our residents. It is not an overstatement to say that we could not have done this without you.
Your gifts bring peace, comfort, dignity and compassion to those in our community facing end-of-life.
Your donation helps someone recover from their grief through our facilitated Grief Recovery Method sessions. Your support makes good work like this possible.
Because of you, our residents and their families will now experience so many moments of comfort, compassion and dignity.
Thank you for helping create a place where moments matter and life is lived out with love.
We appreciate all of our donors. A few of our remarkable supporters are: