Why is monthly giving beneficial?
We just launched our monthly giving program at Huron Shores Hospice and this seems like the perfect time to talk about the benefits of monthly giving.
Benefit for the Donor
As a monthly donor you get to make smaller, more manageable reoccurring gifts, which have a huge impact over time. Monthly giving is convenient. Once set up, monthly credit card payments will continue until you decide to upgrade or downgrade your donation. You can choose a level of donation that makes sense for you. Canada Helps sends you one tax receipt at the end of the year for your monthly donations.
Benefit for Huron Shores Hospice
Your monthly gift will allow us to count on regular dollars coming in, making it easier for us to plan programs, create budgets and expand our services. If the last year has taught us anything it is that we need to diversify our income stream. We learned not to reply so heavily on fundraisers, because well – a pandemic can happen and your fundraising events all have to change dynamically.
Having a steady, predictable source of income through monthly giving will put us on solid ground to sustain the hospice. We will have more time to spend on person-centred care for our residents and their families, when we can avoid the peaks and valleys of revenue.
Different levels of giving offered in our donation form
We can make sure we are creating moments that matter for our residents with your monthly gift. Here is how your dollars could help:
$15 buys meals for a day for a family member staying with their loved one.
$20 Restocks the Kitchenette in the suites with snacks, tea and coffee for each new resident and their family.
$50 buys one full day of care in each year. You can pick a significant day for you – birthday, anniversary or special day in memory of a loved one. We will dedicate that day of care to you or your loved one by posting a notice on the hospice suite door. ‘This day of excellent care is dedicated to (your name or your loved one’s name.) We thank (name) for their wonderful support of our community hospice.’
Or you can pick a monthly gift that makes sense to you and your budget!
Be Part of Something Bigger
Our monthly giving program, Compassion Champions, includes a group of compassionate and determined monthly donors who are on a mission to help those in our community needing end-of-life care, die with compassion, dignity and respect.
See your impact every month
As a Compassion Champion you become part of our hospice family, connected and invested in quality end-of-life care for our community. People like you, giving whatever they can, to give our residents and their families the chance to make moments matter at end-of-life. You belong here!
You will receive regular updates showing how your donations are making a positive difference in the way our family, friends and neighbours are receiving end-of-life care. It is a joyful reminder of the difference you are making.
It’s all about impact and making every moment count.
Get insider updates
Our Compassion Champions members are the core of our organization so we work hard to give you a deeper look at how you are helping. We will give you advanced notice of upcoming events, workshops and services we offer to the community.
If you’d like to chat with a board member at Huron Shores Hospice about the monthly giving program please send us an email to info@huronshoreshospice.ca and someone will be happy to connect with you.
If you would like to join the Compassion Champions, please go to https://www.huronshoreshospice.ca/donate and click on Donate Monthly to get started. We’d love for you to join our Compassion Champions!